Draught Bass Ale


I didn’t know Bass had been bought by Coors, that’s a shame (in one way). And I have tried Bass a few times so yes, I think those tasting notes are spot on! 🙂

Yep I formally worked at The National Brewery Centre in Burton Upon Trent which was formally the Bass Museum and then The Coors Visitor Centre. I do love my Bass and still glad to see it around today!

So is Bass still sold today? The blog and then your comment seems to contradict one another. Asking for an Egyptian friend who’d love to try it when he’s next over. Thanks

Yes Bass is still brewed today by Marston’s Brewery under contract through Ab-inbev. We’ll be publishing a new Bass post in the next week or so if you’d like a more up-to-date review on the beer as well! So keep an eye out. Happy to answer any questions you or your friend might have though.

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