Glenfiddich 12 Year old – 40% ABV

glenfiddich 3

This is so cool, I never knew their was such a story behind the brand and this whisky. I don’t know much about it to be honest, but it’s pretty cool to know the story behind a brand. It gets you closer to it I think.

Some people just think a drink is a drink, but the real thing is what it delivers, and that is a story of where it was born and how it was made. It’s fascinating really 😁

Love a Glenfiddich and certainly share your enthusiasm. Glad you enjoyed it!

It was perfect and marvellous, such a fantastic whisky 😁

I love that you’ve included a bit about the history of the drink- it’s so interesting to hear about the history of what you’re eating and drinking, and I loved this post. Thank you for sharing x

The history is what makes the product so special, there is always a story behind it 😁

That whisky pack is beautiful! I didn’t get much alcohol for Christmas this year (my gifts largely come from children lol) but knowing that, my husband and I always make a point of stocking up a bit for the holidays lol

I’ve never had so much alcohol for Christmas before, I’ve got no end of whisky now! Some of them I will be saving. We always get a tonne of alcohol in for the holidays. It’s worth it 😁

This is such a great review. I love how you explain about the history behind the brand too. I don’t think I’ve ever knowingly tried a whisky before.

Thank you, yes it’s a beautiful whisky which is well known in the UK! 😊

Sherry is one of my favorite drinks; it is so sweet and dangerously so . . . I love that this whiskey has notes of sweetness and toffee in it and is creamy! Sounds like the perfect holiday drink. 😊

Hope you celebrated well! Happy holidays. 🙂

Honestly it is an absolute tremendous whisky, I’ve tried if many of times and it just gets better and better 😁

It’s so fascinating learning about the history of the whiskey! And wow your Christmas gifts sound amazing — and kudos to you for saving that whiskey for even longer!!

Some whiskies you do have to save them because they can become quite valuable in the future. 😊

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